Released a mere 2 years after the original, Mad Max 2 completely changed the image of the franchise and set the standard for sequels to come. It also obviously was a heavy influence in the Fallout franchise, thanks to the huge budget and market penetration it horror movie reviews had. Quite a mark was left on the world with this movie.. but how d
About Me
What up! I'm a thrift shopping, coffee sipping college student with a not-so-secret fascination with my french bulldog, Jasper. If I am not studying, or spending time with my pet Jasper, you will find me at the thrift shop looking for vintage jewels and sipping a Movie Reviews latte in my favorite coffee shop. My passion for thrifting, secondhand c
Nature Unleashed: Volcano movie review (Decker Shado)
A "blast" from the past, the Nature Unleashed series of movies from Nu Image were a special breed. Theoretically based on science, the need to make them larger than life stories tended to grant more than a little artistic license, which we see well on display in today's review of Nature Unleashed: Volcano. A man loses his wife, and travels t
Star Wars Review
The king-daddy of science fiction media today.. sort of like Fallout 4 is the lord of post-apocalyptic RPGs, Star Wars needs no introduction. Thus, I'll just use this blurb (blog post) to point out that until the early 80s, the film was just called "Star Wars" as "Episode IV: A New Hope" wasn't tacked onto it just yet. That was but the first of
Monster Island
Monster Island is the official name of The Asylum’s mockbuster 2019, which was released just in time for Godzilla: King of the Monsters. Monster Island is about an island, also known as Monster Island, where a monster can be found, who itself is kind of the island, the Monster Island, if you will. Monster Island is about an island. Becau